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Third International Scientific and Practical Conference "Eagles of Palearctic: Study and Conservation"On September 24th-29th 2023, in the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan the Third International


Boze Narodzenie 2020 Aquila

The NABU Armenia team with our hero! Photo: NABU ArmeniaWe are extremely proud to inform that this year it was finally possible to fit with our logger a


GSE Henryk from the Polish Biebrza population.The results of long-year studies on the European population of the Greater Spotted Eagles Aquila


Fitted with our, almost invisible, logger. Therefore the device does not impeede the bird during flight. Photo: N. Bhatt.Here yet another report from our dataloggers.

Adult Egyptian Vulture right after fitting our logger in african Djibouti. Photo: M. McGrady.Spring has come. Time for update information from the field on how our dataloggers are performing.

Golden Eagle named Tonička and Bartosovice Rehab Centre worker Petr Orel moments before the release in 2018. Photo: Bartosovice Rehabilitation Centre.Today a story of the kind of fairy tale, or maybe a "happy end horror". For many years Czech


Today's "field" presentation of Aquila products in Saudi Arabia.Last November saw a good example of how Aquila loggers contribute to science - thanks to data from


Boze Narodzenie 2020 Aquila

New maps on our portal are available.From now on when using our portal it is possible to visualize data by means of additional 2 new


Steppe Eagles playing in the sky. Among them Khakas - Russian eagle with our logger. Kazakhstan 2019. Photo: Andrej Kovalenko.The breeding season is underway, so it is time for a bunch of infos about how our loggers operate


Kazakh Steppe Eagle on the wintering grounds in India. Photo Nirav Bhatt.Steppe Eagles Aquila nipalensis have been fitted with our loggers since 2016. None of the birds


For many years Russian scientist Miroslav Babushkin has been researching Ospreys in Russia. Photo: Oksana Demina.In the recent issue of ornithological journal "Ardeola" an article by M. Babushkin, A. Kuznetzov


Makar is one of the White-tailed Eagles photographed during this year' winter. Photo: Sergei Domashevski.Our dataloggers operate as well in the difficult winter conditions, thus the bird can be found in


Boze Narodzenie 2019 Aquila

The Steppe Eagle with our datalogger and a bunch of Omanian flies. Photo: M. McGrady.For this news we have been waiting for almost half a year. Fitted with our datalogger Steppe Eagle


A presentation on tracking the Imperial Eagles by means of our dataloggers.On 7th-10th of September the Second International Conference "Eagles of Palearctic: Study and


Young Vlad during the fitting of our logger. Photo Miroslav Babushkin.On June 28th 2015 a juvenile White-Tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) was ringed in the Darvin's


Timoscha safely survived the winter and is returning to the breeding grounds. Photo Mikhail Korepov.Good news from Russia. Tagged with our 33g GPS/GSM logger Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca)


Our datalogger is being fitted on the Rüppell's Vulture. Photo: Virginia Racioppi.Spring is coming. Time for latest news from our company.

Last year our loggers were used in


It is not a small bird. If the third person decides to hold the paper, the two others will only manage to unfold half of the bird. Photo J. GuidoHard to decide whether it's a positive or negative story.For us definitely interesting: in 2016 we


Fitted with our datalogger male White-tailed Eagle named Vlad has just started his 3rd year of data transmission.Good news from Darwin Nature Reserve in Russia - yesterday fitted with our datalogger White-tailed Eagle


This Vommon Buzzard is set to beat some world records in migration distance for the species.During the migration period many birds cover huge, and for some species even incredible,


Beautiful and exotic picture of the conservation work in distant Oman. Photo: Mike McGradyThe winter continues. Most of the birds fitted with our devices spend it in far and wormer


This male was tagged with Aquila logger some 30 days before being shot down. Photo: U. Sellis.The 2016 breeding season has come to an end at this part of the planet. For our company it turned out


It is getting tight to fit all the data into one map.The moment has come! After a range of tests it is time to use our new logger model in practice. And so


One hour of an evening test drive over the Biebrza Valley. A screenshot from our system.The development of our loggers continues. Already at the beginning of this year we assumed some


Mr. Mike McGrady, the Egyptian Vulture and our logger. Photo: Mike McGrady.Little by little we are increasing the number of bird species fitted with our dataloggers. In


The organizers of the Symposium during the opening ceremonyFrom October 30th till November 1st the Spanish town of Binaced hosted the II Interntional Red Kite


Without a car, without a laptop. This Kordian is however extremely mobile.Such meetings take place not very often. Mainly due to the fact that this Polish name is rather


Juvenile female Osprey with newly fitted 23-gram Aquila datalogger. On the nest with the siblings one month before meeting the hunter. Photo: Miroslav BabushkinIt is a well known fact that telemetry facilitates gathering of vital data on various nature


New, 20-gram Aquila logger. With a 1-cent coin for comparison.New breeding season has started. And with it we present the new series of GPS/GSM loggers. Thanks


Visualization of spacial GIS data in AquilaSystem-GPS module for the wintering ground of a juvenile Eastern Imperial Eagle.In 2014 the list of Aquila datalogger's tagged species was extended by the Eastern Impeial Eagle


Visualization of spacial GIS data in AquilaSystem-GPS module.With the beginning of the year a new functionality has been implemented into the AquilaSystem-GPS module,


Long autumn and winter evenings are perfect time for catching up with office work. Thanks to them


The participants of the international conference on conservation of the Lesser Spotted Eagle in Kosicka Bela, Slovakia.The conference took place on 25-27 of September in Kosicka Bela, Slovakia as part of the Life


Born this year in Poland and tagged with an "Aquila" datalogger Red Kite Milvus milvus on wintering grounds in Spain.Some time ago we informed about our dataloggers being used in the project on research of the


The participants of the international conference "Eagles Palaearctic: Study and Conservation" in Elabuga, Tatarstan, 20-22 September 2013. Fot. Andrey Kowalyenko.Between September 20th and 22nd the city of Elabuga of the Republic Tatarstan hosted an


Workers of the Odessa ZOO, Lower Dniestr National Park and the fitted with "Aquila" datalogger Eagle Owl right before the moment of releasing to the nature.In cooperation with the Odessa Zoopark, the "Aquila" company fitted an Eagle Owl Bubo bubo with a


We have just opened our account on Twitter with the purpose to keep everybody informed mainly


Spotted Eagle's "First Lady" - 20-year-old female fitted with "Aquila" datalogger.We are pleased to inform that the "Aquila" company does not stop supporting the Greater Spotted


Leśniczówka "Grzędy" - nowe biuro firmy "Aquila".When dreams come true one is said to be lucky. What if the reality let's you live through things


Red Kite Milvus milvusThe University of Life Sciences in Poznan started a research project called "Environmental


Zygmunt with prey in his territory in Biebrza in 2012.The latest information from Zygmunt came by the end of November from Tanzania. Since then the


We take the pleasure to announce that with the beginning of a new season we extend our product's range by


Zygmunt's migration map 2012.This year's migration of the Spotted Eagles has begun. The fitted with our GPS/GSM transmitter


Greater and Lesser Spotted Eagle hybrid male fitted with the first GPS/GSM solar transmitter from the Aquila company.We are proud to inform that on August 29th 2012 the Aquila company entered a new stage. On that


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