since 2000: Course "E4SO AS/400 System Operator Workshop"
Course "E4AD AS/400 System Administration and Control"
Course "UPS and data storage"
since 2001: Course - "Basic Products Sales by Compaq Computer"
Course "Linux Network Servers"
since 2002: Course "Servers and Workstations for Small and Medium Business"
since 2004: "Microsoft Licencing Specialist" title
Course "Servers, operating systems and mass storage systems"
Course "F-Secure Software Solutions"
Course "SAN solutions by IBM"
since 2005: "Microsoft Licencing Specialist" title
since 2006: "Microsoft Certified Professional" title
since 2007: Microsoft® Certification Exam - Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment
Course "Distribution and protection of the Lesser Spotted Eagle Aquila pomarina"
since 2009: Course "Empirum Packaging Training" by Matrix42